I have always had painful periods, but something has changed. I keep having cramping pains and the urge to go to the toilet to poo and to break wind. It does relieve the pain but it soon come back. I have had my periods for just under 3 years and i am still irregular, The pains are not in my stomach but just by the nicker line.
I'm afraid to go to school or to go out with my friends, The doctor cant find anything that causes this but he has given me anti biotics.
I dont know what could be wrong, is this natural in a menstrual cycle?
or is it something like IBS?
Please help x
Don't worry - when I have my period my poos change. The get looser than normal and more frequent. It's horrible isn't it - as if you don't feel bad enough aready you have this worry about too!. I sometimes find my tummy is so sore all over that I can't tell you where it hurts anymore. Don't be scared to go out with your friends or to go to school. Just try and plod on but at the time of the month get plenty of sleep and eat well. There is nothing wrong with you honestly, this is all normal for us girls.
A lot of women have those symptoms with your period and everyone is different and you can have symptoms now that you would of never had when your period started I have had mine for 12 years now and I have totally different symptoms today than I did then.
sounds like ibs ,,,,could just be somthing that your eating regulary that you may have become intolorable to ,,.? lactose milk ??maybe an allergy test might be in order
yes thats normal i think as sometimes it feels like a fart in my vagina and i have to just sit on the toilet and wait for it to plop out
everyones different but its normal for some people to feel like this. I tend to some times. just take painkillers as soon as you notice you've started your period. That'll deal with the cramps. You can even get special painkillers just for period cramps. It may just be built up pressure. Try varying your diet and see if that makes a difference. Hope it gets better.xxx
Whenever I get my period I get the same way. My digestion changes for sure and I have to go the bathroom more and I get more gas. I think it might be the hormones being released in the body at the time of menstruation. Its kinds of like our own special PMS symptoms! I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I am perfectly healthy. Also, why do you need antibiotics if the doc can't find anything wrong? Thats not good! Change docs! I don't take antibiotics unless I absolutely have to. If you internally feel like something is really wrong, then go see another doctor, one who'll run tests before he prescribes meds! For me, its just been another PMS symptom, which is completely normal.
FYI Check the list of med reactions on the drug consultation form you got when you filled your RX, or call your pharmacy and ask about reactions if you tossed the paper. Many antibiotics cause this type of symptom, especially the "emycin" family of meds.
I would say it is a combination of IBs and painful periods. i recently went to the doctors for Ibs and the doctor gave me a list of the symptoms and all of yours are on there. i also used to get painful irregular periods so the doctor put me on the pill and this really helped.
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