
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hi i have had a bug sickness and diahorrea?

but my back is in agony is this normal
It is not normal to get back pain in gastroenteritis. Do take the normal management of clear fluids, no solids and no milk for 24-48 hours, but if the pain persists seek medical advice.
This condition is know as the "winter vomiting bug" its contagious so u need to keep away from family and friends so u dont pass it on to them . You should not work for 3 days as u r still contagious. If your back is given you problems you should phone a doctor for advise .
Not a usual side effect but if you have been retching you could have twisted awkwardly. If you don't feel better in a few days phone NHS direct.
You may have Gastroenteritus. This can last for a few days to a whole week.I should know because i have had it and i was so ill, it was unbelievable. I had sickness, diahorrea, severe abdominal pains and dizzyness. My back hurt a lot too, and i kept going very hot and then cold in a matter on minutes.If you have had reoccuring sickness and diahorrea, then you have gastroenteritus. Best advice is to stay in bed because you will be too weak to walk.
You need to drink more.Boil some water in the kettle, let it cool. Add 1tsp sugar and 1/2tsp salt to a cupful. Drink it.You need to drink about 5pts plain water a day, whilst you have the diarrhoea and vomiting
Yes it can be as all the retching can cause rib pain or back pain and you have pulled a muscle which hurts like hell and takes a while to recover. Paracetamol and ibrouphenon are good however with upset tummy may make it worse.
No work and no going back until you have two clear days of no diarrhoea and sickness.
drink plenty of fluid especially water to stop you dehydrating.
If it continues for longer than two days go to doctor.
Theres some bug doing its rounds just now so plenty of fluids to keep re hydrated, heard ordinary coca cola it best for this easily swallowed and see doc for confirmation and pain relief for back, you!ll be alright.
poor you you can get a bad back after you have had a bug i think its something to do with all that renching when your being sick it will go off after a few more days,

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