
Saturday, October 31, 2009


I have one. And it hurts so bad. I guess I got it from pushing to hard while on the POT. So im using the suppository鈥檚 and the cream. And advice for getting rid of them? Secrets? I swear stuff that im using is nasty鈥?.I hate the feeling of something creamy leaking out of my poo hole.
You need to get them surgically removed. They don't go away. I have them but it isn't severe so I don't worry. It can be annoying when it flares up though. It comes from sitting on the pot too long or straining. Also other ways but we won't get into that. Good luck.
snuff and petrolem jell. mix rub in.
witch hazel. the active ingredientr in preperation-h. save yourself some $$$$ pick up a bottle for 1.99 at the drug store and wipe your azz with it everytime you $hit.
Someone suggested to me - a sitz bath. I think sitting in a tub of hot water...
---My grandmother swears by taking a ice cube and putting it in a baggie and place it between your cheeks on the problem
( not in please). It works--- also some of those creams actually aggravate it more than help. So ease up on the creams. Also if it does not get better and is hurting you to walk. Call your MD and ask for Ansul.
The English have a neat way to get rid of hemorrhoids and your Dr most likely knows about it. If you hemorrhoid is shaped so you can get a rubber band around it, then all they do is actually put a tight rubber band around the hemorrhoid and it cuts of the blood supply and it will simply die and fall off. Neat, easy and you only waste a rubber band. If it is shaped in such a manner so a rubber band cannot be used then they would do surgery. See you Dr and ask him about the rubber band approach.
Get Rue Care Oil - it is definitely one of the best treatment for hemorrhoids available on the market and also for a decent price. It shrinks the veins, stops bleeding and strengthens the veins.

Help? Arm in a SLing?

When you have a sling on your arm are you supposed to sleep with it on?
Former Pre-med student %26 Vet Tech: I wouldn't. Your joints need to be able to move [ex. shoulder] or they could freeze. Also, while you are lying down, you can rest your arm without stressing your injury as much as removing your arm from the sling in other positions.
I would try to prop your head up with pillows and then lay a pillow across your stomach or chest and rest your arm on the pillow. You can just try different positions to see what feels comfortable yet still protects your arm. Good luck!


I have a Knee Bone Bruise....the pains has reduced a lot in a week but it stills long do will i be out bc im only 14 and i play Soccer and there any way i can reduce the pain and play a little.bc i cant sit out for a long any one that can help me that had that problem or can help me with this problem please!
if you try to reduce the pain to play then when the pain killer wears off you will be in a whole lot more pain because you could very seriously damage your knee! but if you want to play and you said that the pain is easing some then play , but only until it starts to hurt don't wait until you are limping and swollen some activity will help you heal quicker but too much will put you down for a very long time - your still young you should heal pretty quickly if you don;t abuse yourself
just go to the doctor and get an x-ray or sumthing the doc'll tell u wats wrong maybe you'll get a knee brace to help it heal
Go to the doctor and get a knee brace.
Have it checked out by a doctor maybe its worse then just a bruise or put some cold ice on it and take some advil or tynael and relax your knees
Go to the doctor and go with wtv he says..
IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE? that would be my first choice..go see your doctor

Help...i have a bead in my nose!?

So, i was playing with my little sister and we were making necklaces, and then she dared me to stick a bead up my nose, and i thought " sure why not" so i did. I didn't think it would get stuck up there, and it did! I tried blowing my nose but it would not come out. and i tried sticking my finger up there but unfortunatly my finger isn't long enough. i don't want to go to the doctors cause im scared of them. what should i do? hurts
dont breathe in too hard--if you can't blow it out you must go to the emergency room it could soon get lodged in your lungs from breathing they need to remove it now..i'm sorry..good luck..
You need to get to the hospital fast!
Go to the Doctor. Other than that it could get infected and really cause you some problems.!
go to your doctor asap
blow %26 blow
Go to the doctor. Seriously...
Put water in your mouth (leave throat open) and put your head upside down and make water go through your nose and blow.
if you cant get it out yourself the doctor will use long tweezers to get it out
Go to the ER, sweetie. Don't worry, they're used to this one! They won't hurt you.
that happened to me...i had a be up bead up there too and tried and tried and one day i forgot about it and then like a year later i had a cold and blew my nose and it came out
Wow, that stinks! Be careful with what you use to get the bead out. Try a Q-tip. Be extremely careful. Unfortunately you cant let the bead stay in there, so you will need to go to a doctor before it gets infected. Good luck.
Have someone blow
hard in your mouth
like mouth to mouth
kinda if that doesnt
work the go to the ENT
and dont be scared
they are there to help
you and trust me they've
seen worse my mom works
for an ENT and kids go in there
with chicken up their nose
legos, hopefully tht made you
feel a little better :]
You should probably have thought about putting something up your nose before doing it. Don't probe in your nose with anything. Do blow your nose gently - clench the opposite nostril so you are blowing out the side the bead is in. If you can see it, have an adult try to GENTLY remove it with tweezers with rounded ends. If it doesn't come out, you will need to go to the ED for removal. Don't worry, they are pros. I can't describe the number of things out of body places I have seen taken out through the years. Look at it this way, at least it is only your nose.

Help...bump on my shin?

ok, i fell of my bicycle pretty hard a while ago and have bruises/cuts all over the place.but i'm a little worried about this bump on the inside of my shin
it's about 1.5 inches in diameter and rises like 1-1.5mmit does NOT hurt badly...just a slight discomfort from the impact-i don't really think it's hospitall-serious.
any tips? maybe ice...?
u mite just wanna get it x-rayed i dont think its anything serious though try to put ice on it or soak it in epsom salt if none of that works call your doctor and ask him or her for recomendations
I have a bump on my shin after an accident that is there 3-4 years later. I was told that I must have broken the bone (more like fractured) and that the bump was bone/calcium build-up over the area. I still have the bump now and it rises about the same as yours and doesn't hurt at all so I never really worried about it again. You may want to have it looked at if it is a similar situation, as I guess I could have avoided it by seeing a doctor at the time, but I don't want to bother with it now.
Seriously get it checked - I had a similar thing and it was a a fragment of bone chipped into the muscle and began to calcify...
uh. okay. i have no idea what to do... i just felt like i should answer this question because you were in my contacts. heehee.sorry. im no help.

Help... ouchy sunburn?

hey any home remedies for really bad sun burn i have been applying aloe vera all day.. it's pretty painful. thanks in advance
Your sunblock was shot. It did not protect you. Lotions lose their potency over a year. Buy new stuff every year. Especially since you have already had skin cancer.
Aloe vera is GREAT ~ I use it myself when I've had too much sun. You can use solarcaine (it has an anesthetic to dull the pain if its very painful). In a day or so it will feel better.
Maybe you should go to a Doctor if the degree of sunburn is too great. Do you think it is more than a first degree burn? Redness only. If it blistered it's second degree - go to a doctor.
Just keep adding more Aloe Vera, try to stay off of it. Go to your doctor if it doesnt get better
Aloe lotion.
use some NOXEMA, my mom used to put it on us when we got really bad sunburns. something in it draws out the stinging, and cools it off at the same time.
If you were burned by accident, vinegar gives great temporary and fast pain relief. If you intentionally exposed yourself to the sun-- suffer-- I hope it hurts and that you learned a lesson about UV radiation and skin damage###########################Okay-- then go with the vinegar.
ive heard pure lavender essential oil and olive oil on the burn can moisturize skin and keep peeling to a minimum. also a cooling aloe vera gel, or one with vitamin e can help. take an aspirin to reduce pain.
I've always heard vinegar was supposed to take the sting out. I remember my ex using it as well when he'd get burned bad. Also, I remember as a kid hearing that Noxema was supposed to be good for sunburns as well. If the aloe isn't working, I'd give the vinegar a try, can't hurt.
I usually use teabags. Boil some water and then put one or two teabags in the water. After they soaked for a minute or two, take out the teabags and gently pat them over your sunburn. Do not wipe off the tea water. It's usually relieved in the morning. Good Luck!
Aloe vera is a great natural remedy for sunburns, but if thats not helping enough, try something with lidocaine or benzocaine in it. I would suggest Solarcaine, but you can find similar products in the drugstore or pharmacy aisle of other stores.
Solarcane, i have always had really fair skin even when i used sunblock, my momma used to spray it on my when I got sunburned it made it feel so much better. Ask your doctor about it though. Even if you don't have insurance or things of that nature. Because one year I got some seriously bad burns with a ton of blisters. Luckily he knew the local mad scientist pharmacist who made a concoction that I put on my back with cotton balls. Took the pain away. The main point. Use all of your resources to get the quickest healing time and best results
If it just happened, give it a day or two before applying thick lotions or creams. Those tend to hold in the heat and can make a relatively simple sunburn blister. Apply aloe vera but don't overdo it...good luck. Remember suntan lotion next time!
put the aloe vera in the fridge, then when it is good and cold, put that on the sunburn. Ahhhhh

HELP... I keep seeing flashes of light. & have huge headache? what can this be?

I am at work but every now and then i keep seeing flashes of light kind of like lightning in the building. I have a huge headache kind of like a migrain. Neck is is kind of stiff %26 can't breathe out of my nose well too what could this be should i see a doctor? any advice welcome thanks.
ive had migrains for the past 11 years.its horrible, it sounds like you have one, if ya cant get to a dr. take excederin migrain and put ice on your neck or wherever it hurts the most
prob should see a doctor- prob a migrane many meds are available
Sounds like a migraine to me. Terribly sorry. Go to the doctor.
Thats a migraine defiantly. Take two or one Excedrin with two glasses of water. Its strong and it could hurt your stomach. with a slice of bread. Then lean over your but and set the water temp to luke warm/cold and just let the water hit your head for 2 minutes, taking deep breaths.
We have treated 15 - 20 yrs cases.
There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26H/A confirms it.
You should not go to a doctor unless you visit Acupuncturist.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.
Avoid late sleeping if possible;spicy, sour, stale bakery foods and alcohole.
Sweet foods, sweet fruits, milk, rice and good sleep will help you.
But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong.
If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

Help. Home Remedy Needed?

I need this for my friend. What is the best home cure for an ingrown toenail.
Answer: is a link to Ingrown toenail removal hope this helps
There's really not - you have to get it out.Whever I get one I don't try to get it out myself, because I just seem to make it worse. I go to a nail salon and have a pedicure. They know what they are doing and it's a lot less than a trip to the doctor.
mix some epsonsalt and warm water and soak your foot in it.

Help, whats ur opion on medical law suits?

I had surgery on my elbow, 7 months ago, have had bad pain in shoulder since, I was told I have a frozen shoulder, rotator cuff or bicept tendonitis. My elbow is still at a 45 degree angle, pt cant help due to shoulder. Was given MRI last week, Now have been told I have a complete rotator cuff tendon tear, bone edema, and injury to anterior superior glenoid labra. It happened during surgery, I havn't used r arm for 7 months. Elbow was WC, who is responible for elbow, who pays the bill. WC denies shoulder. I really like the Orth Surgeon that did the surgery, and the hospital. I know it wasn't intentional, and I dont want hard fillings. I need surgery on shoulder, Comp wants to settle, but elbow won't straighten until shoulder is taken care of. I have an attn but still don't have any answers. I've never been one to sue or take advantage of anyone. I just want med bills paid, pain to stop, use of arm, and 2 get back 2 work.
I like how that one person just assumed "you are so young". If insurance won't pay for it, I'd go to the hospital. Sit with the person in charge and see what your options are. If none of those options work, then seek a lawyer. Too many people sue doctors these days. Unless it's gross negligence, crap happens. I don't see how a doctor could screw up your shoulder that much if he was working on your elbow. Maybe it is a result of the surgery, but that doesn't mean he did it. My hip hurts after knee surgery but that's what happens with knee surgery. It's the risk you take by having surgery. No one can expect to injure themselves and be 100% back to normal after surgery.
I can understand not wanting to sue, but I would because you are so young and this problem may effect you the rest of your life. I really think that the medical profession has to change there are many mistakes made and the hospitals and doctors who work longer hours than most people are making stupid mistakes that should not be made. I have heard many stories lately that are scary and changes need to be made regarding how patients are treated. My husbands family had a medical lawsuit over the death of his mother, she was having a heart attack and the wrong medicine was given. They won the lawsuit but it did not make up for him not having his mother around while growing up or the fact that because of this he is scared to go and see doctors to this day.
If the surgeon did a bad job whether you like him or not it is your shoulder. What do bad feelings have to do with it? Go ahead and sue. You could also get some legal advice
First off, dont listen to the people telling you to sue! If you sue and win, you will get a lump sum, but you will not be able to work for that company again. That may not be a good trade off, cuz you may like your job and may not want a different one.

Help, my cat has an injured ear (bite, I think), it is infected, .?

What can I do now until I get her to the vet? I already cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and when I pushed on her ear, it "popped" and pus and a little blood came from the ear (flap part, not internal).
you did the right thing by cleaning it with peroxide. You can put some neosporin on it. She wont lick it off, just put a thin layer on. Repeat this about three times a day. When you get to the vet's office they will probably put her on an antibiotic, like Cefadroxil, which is great for skin infections. He/She might also give you an antibacterial ointment. But the peroxide works great. My cat also got a scratch from a cat and that's what she was given.
put an antibiotic ointment on it
Tell her boyfriend not to nibble on her ear so hard.
That's all you can do .... though I''m confused why this is in First Aid and not the pets section .... they don't teach us 1st Aiders how to treat moggys
Put triple antibiotic on it..Make sure it is on an open part of the wound though, or it won't do anygood. My cat got attacked and her face swelled and we used it and she got well quickly...she didn't like it too much, but you know how cats are :)
The best you can do is continue with the peroxide and put neosporin on it. She has an abcess which will require surgery. My cat had the same thing... poor kitty.hope she feels better

Help, ive noticed a strange lump on the front of my face.?

It looks sort of triangular and sticks out about an inch, i have never noticed it before, should i see a doctor.There two holes in t near the front and if you put a finger in the holes it feels sort of squidgy as though something is up there.Please help i am very worried!!
lol hinny your so funny its your nose or a spot on your nose lol
hehe your gettting stared
Google the word "nose"...that should lessen the worry for you!
This happened to my son too.First, ask your self wether or not you have been raped by an alien recently. If the answer is yes then you have an alien baby growing on your face. Congrats!If the answer is no, then im afraid to say that you have KBD
[Kommon bitchines disorder]Very common.Well...good luck with that!
better cut it off
. Nose. Look it up, and stop asking stupid questions. You're wasting your own time, as well as ours.

Help, get this knot out of my shoulder...?

last night i asked a friend to rub my back, he was sort of rough..i had a knot he tried to get out, but he moved it to my shoulder, and it hurts like hell!! i feel brused, and its very painful when someone touches it. whats the correct way to get rid of it?
Moist heat and a deep tissue massage. It will take a few massages to break it up and it will be tender.
come to someone that knows what he's doing.Better go see a chiropractor or massage therapist...
Maybe try a sport massure...
A heating pad might help

HELP!?? blood when poops?

when i poop i bleed. the blood is bright red though and its only a little when i wipe...but i'm still worry...what can it be?
Usually, bright red blood in the stool comes from a tear in the tissues of the rectum, or from hemorrhoids (also sometimes spelled 'hemroids'), and would normally be combined with constipation, straining to have a bowel movement, and the consequent bleeding from the rectal tissue or hemorrhoids.If you see bright red blood in your stools, it's probably hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are the most common source of bleeding from the rectum and the anus. However, if the bleeding lasts for more than a couple of days, you should have an exam.
visit your doctor or urgent care.
likely have hemorrhoids ,so see your Dr
You may have a hemmoroid. It can be and internal one. I would go to your doctor though, because it may be something far serious.
you "poop" ripped your anus a little itll be better in a few days
your hole is just strained try destitin it works and also if the blood is bright red then it is from the hole not the inside of your body call your dr. if you are still woried!
Since the blood is bright red, it's called hematochezia. This is usually associated with piles or haemorrhoids or even a small lesion in your rectum due to trauma. Not usually associated with colorectal cancer. You should have a per rectal exam to have it checked out.
You should go to the doctor. If the consistency of your stool is hard, it can cause small tears when you poop. There are serious conditions though that can cause bleeding. Please get checked by a doctor.
I say.visit the Doc.Maybe something is wrong with your intestines. When the intestines have some problem, people usually blood poop.Get well soon darling.Yours,
having blood in a bowel movement isnt good , go see a Dr.

Help!? ......?

i know i've asked this before but i didn't get ne anwswers os i'm askin it again : so i've had acl and mcl surgery then retore my mcl. and have been on crutches for a while and am pretty fed up with them. i have on a brace that goes from my thigh to my toes, and it is not super comfortable to put weight on it but i am really tired of crutches is it ok to not use them?
and the doc said no pressure? but i've been on them forever
I know the crutches suck and they get annoying and become a hassle after a while...BUT if you don't use them as directed you'll do more damage and be on them even longer...and possibly retear yet again. Hang in there! Don't give up!
if you vibrate a brick in fresh cement that dries. the brick will still come out.


What is the avreage body temp.
98.4 farenheit.
In the mouth, 37 degrees (c)
98.6 but if it's a degree above or below don't panic as it can vary from about 97.4 to 99.3 and be considered normal for that person.
89.7=a guess at the # after the 89
97.5 ferenhiet or 37.5 centigrade
98.6 F
98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is average normal. It can vary a degree or so on either side and still be normal. My average body temperature is 97.2 deg. F. and is normal for me.


really tired, feel totally drained... my mum told me i may have a low blood count is that bad???
Iron deficiency causes fewer red blood cells which carry the oxygen. It's called anemia. Over time it can be bad. You might try a good multivitamin supplement for awhile, couple weeks, see if you start feeling better. I don't personally recommend straight iron pills 'cuz they make you constipated, but if you're really anemic the doc will tell you to take them and eat right.
its probably a thyroid problem. Or it could be that you are anemic. These are both easily treated. You will have to have blood drawn at the doctor and have them test it. I don't think its a low blood count. cant have a low blood count, if you did that would mean you somehow lost alot of blood, in which case youd be in the hospital getting a blood transfusion.See a doctor, since your mom obviously doesnt know what shes talking about.
Well it's never a good thing when your blood doesn't level out. But look on the bright side it could just mean you need more Iron in your diet. I know that when my Iron gets low I feel really tired and drained.
See a doc. It could be a hormonal imbalance causing you to have heavier periods and then making your iron low. If it is something that simple it can be remedied by taking a womens multivitamin. But definitely talk to a doctor.


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so i went swimming over ten hours ago, i hurt my ankle. it started to swell a little bit. but now (over 11 hours later) it still hurts, i think i is still swelling. what do you think it is. ps. i did it by going down a water slide the wrong way or from when i keep landing on my feet every time i come down the slide. IDK!! HELP, IT HURTS
Sounds like a sprain... rub some deep heat gels on and strap it tightly with a bandage. If that doesn't help, try turning it around as well in a circular motion and walking on it, if it hurts to even touch the floor- it's broken. Get plenty of rest as well, keep it elevated always... If it's not better in 2 days or so go to the doctor...Good luck!
go to a doctor
ouch. Well, try putting ice on it first to try and reduce the swelling. You may have bumped it hard. Lie down and take it easy, while keeping it nice and cool. The swelling should go down in a bit. If it doesn't, call your doctor. :%26lt;Hope I helped, and hope you're okay.
go to er or orthopedic surgeon to get an xray of your ankle. make sure it isn't fractured. may be just a sprain, but worth having it looked at with an xray
if it hurts u SO BAD and if you CANT MOVE IT... then its broken...
but if you CAN move it.. then you shouldn't worry about it .. it willl be ok in few days
Elevate and ice. This should reduce swelling. Keep ice on for 5 minutes then off for 5. Repeat for an hour. Go to a walk in clinic if you can't get the swelling down .Wrap the effected area with a tensor bandage. Is there any discolouration?
can you wiggle your toes? if not go to the doc or hospital. if you can take some aliave for the swelling and the pain. ice it and the elevate it above your hart , and then watch a good moving or something to occupy your mind
good luck


Is it possible to injure your ankle like 10X worse by just participating in P.E class because I had to because i didn't have a note. and Now it hurts all the time and it wasn't that bad but now it hurts really bad and it hurts to walk and move it around and it pops. it even hurts with a I have P.E tomorrow and I don't have a note. It wasn't that bad before and now it really hurts it seems like each day it gets worse.I am also 14 and in middle school
Sounds like a bad sprain, which can be worse than a break.
See a doctor and have him/her to write you a note for school. You may want to get crutches so you don't put your full weight on your injured foot. Sprains have to heal on their own and it can take 3-4 weeks depending on the severity. When you're on your feet wrap the sprain in an Ace bandage but not too tightly so you don't cut off the circulation. When OFF your feet apply ice to the injury for 15 minutes at a time every hour. If using an icepack or raw ice make sure to wrap it in a small towel so you don't freeze the outer skin. When sitting, elevate your leg to help get the swelling down and take aceteminophen (if your body tolerates it) for pain.
Trust me, I've sprained both ankles and both knees at carious times in my life. Once I was on crutches in the winter and that really sucks ! Heal fast, feel better.~ a mom who has been there
get a note from ur parents or have them call the doctor and have the doctor email ur skwl


I want to know if you know any pain relivers for cramps.
What kind of cramps? Menstrual or muscular? If muscular, then find what the cause is and eliminate it. Are you getting enough calcium? Too much magnesium? Are you eating enough salt? Are you drinking (get this) too much water? Once you get the cramp, breathe through is and try to relax. There isn't any real need to stretch the opposite direction...just yet...relax and ride it out. Then, do gentle stretching and heat if necessary. It the cramps are severe menstrual, talk with your doctor. You do not need to suffer unnecessarily. Good Luck, Connie
If extra strength Midol does not work for you I have found that the Excederin for Migraines is a wonderful over the counter pain reliever for cramps! Give it a try - you will love it!
the best thing for cramps, is stretching, even though it sounds painful it really does help..also try some ibuprofen
aleve works for me.
Sure, there are all sorts of pain relievers over the counter. Call your doctor to find out what is wrong. He/she could prescribe something. Try hot baths, heating pads. I second the response for excedrin migraine. It is great for cramps.
Midol, Ibuprofen .and chamomile's tea! ;)
Tylenol extra strength
btw-make ur self a comfort box full of junk food and chocolate and movies. And you have to stretch. Just lay on your back and stretch your arms and legs and torso! Best thing to do. Drink tea too. Ask your doctor if your having real bad pain cause he might put you in Birth control pills and it will help control ur pain
Advil duh! it says it in the commercial. The every pain reliever

Help!!!!!!!!!! (More in details section).?

Last night was a horrible night, my stomch wasent feeling well and i was worried that was going to throw up which got me worked up and i couldent sleep and now my throwt hurts and it was just horrible last night. And now im worried that tonight will be that same as last night and my mom says im getting my self all worked up about nuthing, please help, i need a way to help me relax and make tonight a better night. PLEASE HELP ME :( . I NEED TO RELAX.
Try to calm down and relax. Sip cold water and stay cool. You won't throw up if you stay cool. To help cool down quickly you can try placing a bottle of water on your wrists as the blood flows quickly from this point and will help circulate cold blood around your body or place a cold washcloth on the back of your neck.
Take a nice warm shower. Than drink a nice warm cup of peppermint or green tea, than go lie down.
You sound like my daughter.
Your mother is right, you need to relax.
Sip some warm tea to soothe both your tummy and your throat. Take some Tylenol and go lie down in a cool dark room. Play some soft relaxing music that you like. Concentrate on breathing. They square breathing.
Inhale to the count of 4
Hold for the count of 4
Exhale for the count of 4
Hold for the count of 4
Continue until you are relaxed and sleepy.
If you feel like your gonna puke then just puke. you'll feel a whole lot better after. And in case you don't know, puking is the bodies way of getting rid of something that shouldn't been in your stomach. It throws it up before it gets totally digested and does harm to your body. Thats why people puke when they drink to excess. Them puking is actually saving them from a potentially life threatening situation- alcohol poisoning. Like the other lady said, take a tylenol and maybe even a couple sleeping pills if your old enough. Better ask your mom first though. Some parents don't like there kids self-administering drugs. Lay down and wait for the sleep. You'll be to tired to worry. Plus your mom will be in a better mood if she doesn't have to stay up all night read you bedtime stories. Please don't take offense to this, but honestly if your old enough to be on message boards on the internet, you can deal with a little nausea and sore throat.
Think you've already answered your question, but it is a normal human reaction to be afraid of bedtime, If you can't sleep and it's not a good experience.But you recognize that you need to relax. What works for many is only using the bedroom for sleep, set a time to go to bed that you honor (don't vary on the weekends), spend the evening with a warm glass of milk and relaxing bath.See if you can work in some meditation or visualization. Instead of counting the minutes when you're in bed, imagine that you're falling asleep and imagine what it's like and what you'd dream about.Don't go through a mental list of what happened the previous day or worry about what's going to happen the next day; the next day will come to you. This is YOUR time and no one else's.However, if you're in bed for more than 30 minutes and you've not fallen asleep, get up and go to another room to read a boo or relax until you're sleepy.Do talk to a doc about your inability to sleep; you could have a sleep disorder, but it could be anxiety about NOT falling asleep

Help!!! i think i cut a vien in my finger it is pumping blood?

my finger is PUMPIMNG BLOOD!. i got it wraped up right now and i dont see signs of it bleeding through.finger tip feels a little numb.if it is a vien and i wrap it tight will the bleeding stop ? and if i can keep it under control wll it be ok?
Yes and if you did not cut an artery you are fine.
Unwrap it. The end of your finger is feeling nubm because it is wrapped too tight. Just apply pressure using your othe hand and a piece of gauze. Telfa the inside of a band aid is the best to put next to it as it doesn't stick.
if your finger is "pumping blood", you shouldn't log on to y!answers, you should go to the hospital... geez!
Yes everything will be OK
Apply pressure to it.
yes you must wrap in around keep pressure on ur finger at all times and the blood will stop pumping out if you do this all will be well just stayyyyy calm
Just apply pressure on the area and it should stop doing it long enough to clot. You'll be fine.
If it doesn't stop in 20-30 mintues, go to the emergency room. It could be serious.
if you can get it under control and your finger feels normal, then put a bandaid and neresporen on it. if not, go to the emergency room asap!
unless u have some bleeding/clotting disorder, u'll stop bleeding spontaneously, u r not gonna bleed to death from ur finger, the blood will stop by itself, u can hasten it by using ice or by external pressure.
The blood stopped is a good sign, you can put a cube of ice in a plastic bag and keep it over it, should help too, but you need to disinfect it so you wont get any infections.
tina if your finger starting feeling really cold, that means your losing alot of blood and you should get the ER. Apply pressure to your finger with towels to stop the bleeding. If that does not work, try elevating your arm, well pressing the towel on the finger. If that fails, get your self to the hospital. Also everyone else who gave you advice does not know what they are talking about.
Just wrap it up and be calm and go to the doctor if it doesn't stop bleeding. You'll be alright.
Your finger is pumping blood and rather than going to the emergency room or asking family or friends, you thought enough to long online and ask yahoo? It can't be THAT bad.
Was the blood bright red or a dark red? I know that is hard to tell, but it matters. Most skin cuts will be the darker variety, so will a vein. And they ooze out. If it pumps out, you hit an artery. Not good. Should be sutured otherwise the blood to the finger tip will be lost. Go into ememrgency or see a doctor right away.
go to the emerg room NOW
Then why are you typing?!?! No go to a hospital if u haven't already!! lol and its not "pumping blood" its spewing
I had the same thing happen, go to the ER and have a Dr. check it out!!

HELP!! please!!?

my sister accidently got stabbed in the arm with a mechanical pencil and she's like freaking out... how can we get the lead out? thanks.
Pencil "leads" aren't made from lead. They are made of graphite, which is totally harmless. I've had a piece in my hand for 43 years, and I'm not dead yet!
could be dangerous to try and do it medical attention as soon as possible - do not want area to become infected
Probably use sterilized tweezers. Soak them in paroxide. And then clean your sisters arm with paroxide before trying to get out the lead. She could get lead poisioning so be careful.
Seriously, go to the doctor.
She needs to be taken to the Emergency Room or Urgent Care. Even if you were able to get the lead out, puncture wounds are prone to infection.

HELP!! PLEASE!! (doctors)?

i have this little white bump on my head and i really hurts to touch it!! does anyone know what it is? plz help me!
white bump... how big is it? it could be a large white head or perhaps you could be a bug bite. does it have puss? sorry it's a gross question but if it does then it's infected and you need to clean it. if it doesn't go down in a few days go to the doctor. feel better!
How long have you had that little white bump? and how long are you prepared to put up with it without going in to let a doctor look at it and tell you what it is. A little white bump could be anything. You need to have someone actually look at it..
It is most probably due to blockage of flow of VITAL ENERGY in your body. First refer a master acupuncturist and then a doctor.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

Help!! my son got stung by a wasp!?

My 5 yr old son was playing next door at a friends house and they were in the backyard swinging and a wasp stung him on his earlobe, i have ice on it now, do i need to do more?
make a thick mixture of baking soda and water apply to the sting for 15mins. (this sucks the bad stuff out) after that apply ice to it for 15 mins
its too late sorry :'( i would buy u a present but idk u
Give him a some vodka..heh sorry
watch for swelling ice sounds good if ithe swelling goes further then the ear better get him in to the ER
this is what you do, get some ice and put it on the spot then then put achocol and it then put a band -aid on it bring him to the er
it may swell and it may hurt, but don't worry-unless he's allergic, he will be fine! if this is his first time being stung and he is reacting badly, contact his physician and ask what the signs are if he were to be allergic. he might feel a little bit sick, but just let him relax and be comfortable. if his head is hot, a shower should help.
you shouldn't have too many problems :] tell him to feel better!
This may sounds crazy, but applying a paste made from meat tenderizer (meat tenderizer mixed with water) is ideal for bee stings. Leave it on for five minutes and then wash it off. If you have no meat tenderizer, baking soda will work too. The tenderizer neutralizes the venom.If, however, there is any swelling whatsoever, you must contact your doctor or call 911. Wasp stings are more dangerous than bee stings, so be careful.Good luck!
It all depends is he allergic to bee or wasp stings? if he is call 911 and keep him calm. if not an over the counter insect /anti itch cream will help. also if youy notice any swelling over the counter benadryl will help with the sweeling too. what you do want to do is watch for any shortness of breath or wheezing caused by an alergic reaction to the sting. if you do notice any shortness of breath of wheezing go to your closest ER or call 911.
You might try meat tenderizer or salt to draw out the venom. But meanwhile, ice is about the best thing.

Help!! my navel piercing has a bump?

i got my navel pierced 3 months ago n ive been takin care of it but i have a bump in it n it hurts like hell ! lol n the piercer told me to use neoporsin and anti-bacterial sopa when i got it done which i have.... how do i GET THE BUMP oUT PLEZ!!
At the moment, it may not be anything serious, however make sure to take extra care of your piercing. Your little bump may lead to a big infection, and I'm sure that you don't want to remove your belly button ring so soon. If the bump begins to ooze puss or cause you anymore pain, your best option would be to remove the ring as soon as possible. You may want to visit your doctor, but i'm afraid that they're only going to tell you to remove it. Remember, you can always re-pierce your belly button!!
Go to a doctor.
Since you said the bump is painful, it could be infected. My daughter had one that got infected as well. She ended up having to take it out and let it heal, then get it re-pierced. If it starts getting red and if there is any drainage, like pus, you need to remove it immediately. From what I understand, it takes about 6 - 9 months for it to totally heal after piercing.
the same hapen to me i went to a doctor and told me to take it off so i did you can get realy infected and end up inthe hospital you can get it repirce after 4 to 7 months depends how quick it heals


Hey guys! I'm a cheerleader %26 i have been tumbling for the past 3 days %26 my ankles are killing me! Today at practice I had my coach wrap them but, i still felt nothin but pain. It hurts really bad to stand on them (expecially when i tumble!) I stretch them REALLY good before %26 after practice too. My mom wont take me to the doctor because she says "all the doctor is going to say is rest on them." And of course, that's what I do all the time (except for when i have cheer) I don't know what to do anymore! Please answer if you have any solutions! Thanks guys!
Sounds like you have ankle instability. Your mom should take you to see an orthopedic doctor and get a referral for physical therapy to strengthen your ankle muscles so that you ankles can better handle the demands placed on them by the tumbling.
ice them up. 20 minutes on and 15 minutes off. are they bruised? you could have possible compression fractures commonly known as stress fractures in them. i had those while i played softball and never knew it until i couldnt take the pain one day and begged to see the doctor and sure enough stres sfractures of both ankles. so becareful with it ice up and see how you do. good luck!

HELP!! I swallowed a thumbtack!?

It was art class and my classmates dared me to swallow it so i did and now my stomach feels like its geting sabbed by a million swords and my throat feels weird too...AM I GOING TO DIE?!I coughed up a lil blood earlier.
tell your mom to call the doctor now!!
got burial insurance
You've got to be kidding me!! Go immediately to the emergency room and tell them what happened AND that you were coughing up blood, you need an x-ray at the least. And don't do that again..Gooooooo Now! But I doubt you'll die, but you could be doing a lot of damage.
You proballly should go to the ER. Sounds like you have internal bleeding and you need stitches or you could bleed to death! in case you are in SO much pain that you cant remember the phone number, its 911 :( good luck
uh oh...911
I hope not. Good luck,dummy. Go to you family doctor, but wear a paper bag over your head.
That was pretty dumb. Now you need an operation. Go to the emergency room at the nearest hospital and tell them how foolish you have been.
U are crapping with us, right?
WHY would you do that. I don't think you will die but I am not sure. Call 911 or go to the emergency room. NOW don't even read the end of this just go!!! If you are going to read it anyway you may need surgery to get it out and you may have internal bleeding. GO TO THE DOCTORS NOW OR CALL 911!!
you will have to go to the hospital and have surgery to get it out,
Look on the bright side----you might win a Darwin award this year.
In all seriousness---find a way to the ER. This is nothing to mess with.

HELP!! I got sunburnt pretty bad, Any thing i can do to ease the pain?

I was watching my sons Tball game, which i had put on sunblock, but didn't estimate that it would last 3 hrs. I am super burnt, no blisters, but I am in some serious pain. I tried the HOT shower, The VINAGAER and the ALOE vera gel. all worke for 10 min, but i need to get to sleep tonight, without super pain to my body. I am burnt from my neck to my upper chest, where my tube top started. my arms are extremly sore. Any advice, please??
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Prevention is the best remedy here, if you can. Long-term results from excessive exposure to the sun, such as skin cancer and wrinkled skin, can be avoided with proper precautions. One of the best preventatives is to use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 that offers protection against both UVA and UVB rays. You can get as much sun sightseeing as baking at the beach, so use sunscreen whenever you are outdoors.Use an aloe vera lotion containing a sunblock. This will cut out 90% of the burning rays and allow 75% of the tanning rays to reach the skin.To speed healing take the following supplements for a few days after getting burned: 1,000 mg of vitamin C, 400 I.U. of vitamin E, 15 mg of beta carotene, and 1-2 tablespoons (or about 3 capsules per teaspoon) of flaxseed oil, an essential fatty acid.Caution: don't ever cover a sunburn that is blistered or open with an ointment, oil, salve or butter, for it will make the area susceptible to infection.
Aloe Take as many leaves as necessary from an aloe plant; refrigerate; peel off top layer of leaves; apply the side of the leaf with flesh exposed directly to the sunburn. Other remedies use aloe vera juice: for mild to medium sunburn, keep the affected area moist with aloe vera juice. Repeat frequently. This will reduce the pain and the amount of peeling. Aloe vera ointment works well, too, as it contains oil and will not evaporate. For a severe sunburn, keep the area moist at all times with aloe vera juice. Since aloe vera is an astringent, you may want to use aloe vera ointment or some sort of oil, such as olive or baby. Aloe is very effective in relieving pain and inflammation.? Combine aloe juice with ? the amount of vitamin E. Dab on the sunburn. Vitamin E is a good moisturizer.Apple cider vinegar Apply apple cider vinegar to the burn with a cottonball, or make a cooling compress for a large area to relieve the pain. Keep the skin moistened. This remedy will prevent blistering and peeling.Aspirin Aspirin kills the pain and reduces inflammation and redness of a sunburn. It short-circuits the whole sunburn process. It must be taken within 24 hours of getting sunburned. Aspirin is preferable to ibuprofen or acetaminophen because it is less stressful on the liver and kidneys.Baking soda Dissolve some baking soda in water and make a compress using a clean cloth. Another remedy is to add 1/2 cup of baking soda to a tepid bath and soak. Instead of drying the affected area with a towel, let it air dry. Baking soda is cooling and will help the skin retain moisture.Baths Add 20 drops of each of lavender and chamomile essential oils to a tubful of cool water and soak for 10 minutes.Bergamot Add bergamot oil to cool bathwater.Calendula Put 20 drops of calendula tincture in four ounces of water and bathe the skin until the pain goes away. Calendula is also available in gels and salves. Calendula will help soften and heal burned skin. It is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, and can be used long after the burn to heal the skin.Cucumber Rub sunburned area with fresh cucumber slices. They are very cool and will soothe the area.Epsom salts Dissolve epsom salts in water and make a compress using a clean cloth.Ice Apply ice or cold water to the burned area. This will stop the burning process and cool the skin.Lavender Mix 20-25 drops of lavender oil in one cup of water and bathe the sunburned area.Lemon water Mix the juice of three lemons into two cups of cold water and sponge on the sunburn. The lemon will cool the burn, act as a disinfectant, and will promote healing of the skin.Milk Make a compress of whole milk (or buttermilk) and apply to the burned area for 20 minutes; repeat every two to four hours. Wash the milk off so you won't smell sour! The fat content of the milk is soothing for burns.? A similar remedy suggests using a cup of skim milk and four cups of water, adding a few ice cubes, and applying as a compress as recommended above.Oatmeal Put some oatmeal in tepid bath water, soak for a few minutes, then air dry yourself.Oil Cover the area with cooking oil and sprinkle powdered ginger on the oil. This will promote healing.Onion Bruise an onion and rub on the burn.Peppermint Apply peppermint oil to the sunburned skin. You can also make a mild peppermint infusion and use it as a wash to cool the sunburn.Potato Grate a potato and apply it to the burned area. The starch will cool and soothe the burn.St. Johns Wort Make an ointment or salve with the essential oil of St. Johns wort for burns that have not broken the skin. It is anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial. Caution: St. John's wort makes the skin more photosensitive, so stay out of the sun if you have used this remedy or if you are taking another form as an antidepressant. The cauton is courtesy of a reader named Wendi.Shower Take a warm shower to draw out the heat of your sunburn. The warm water will increase circulation to the area while hydrating it, thereby speeding the healing process.Tea Make some tea, cool, and apply to the burn. While any tea may be beneficial, mint tea, such as peppermint or spearmint are especially good. The teas have tannins that help the healing process.Urtica urens Put 20 drops of urtica urens tincture in four ounces of water and bathe the skin. This remedy is good for itchy, prickly skin.Vinegar See Apple Cider Vinegar remedy above.Witch hazel Make a decoction of witch hazel and apply with a compress.Yarrow Native Americans used an infusion of ground yarrow as a wash.Yogurt Apply plain yogurt with live cultures, let it stand for a few minutes, then rinse off under cool water.? Another remedy using yogurt is to mix equal parts of yogurt and mashed strawberries and apply to the sunburned area for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.Caution! You may have sun poisoning if you experience chills, fever, or get blisters or a rash. See your physician!i sure hope this information helps. I know how you must be feeling because I know what it is like to get sunburn. I always take a cool bath and put aloe vera lotion on and that seems to help the pain. Take anti inflammorty medicine. Alieve is good too. Hope you get better soon.
take 2 aspirins to decrease the inflammation/pain
Ibuprofen and cool washcloths to the affected area.
use that pink lotion THAT you buy at a pharmacy
use aloe to every 1-3 hours
take some tylenol( or other pain reliever) and keep reappling the aloe
Take some Tylenol...anti-inflammatory... luck
get some over the counter allergy medicine. that will help. a sunburn is a type of allergic reaction.
Take tylenol and buy a product called Second Skin it is a cooling gel patch that adheres to the skin for burnt skin or in your case sun - burnt skin I am a nurse.
You may have to go to the store, but try some lanacane spray, there is also a cooling gel, not aloe vera, but I don't know the name sorry.
i take a cold shower... as cold as it will go... then put A TON of aloe vera gel! WORKS!
epsom salt will pull the burn out---or even tobacco -- wet a cigarette or epsom to a paste in water and smear on burn
Cut cucumber slices (a lot) and put them in the freezer. After a few minutes, take them out and lay them on your skin. Repeat, repeat, repeat. They will get warm very quickly. You will need a kind assistant for this but it feels soooo good. Also, keep slathering the aloe vera on. It WILL speed up the repair.
Drink sports water and take an OTC painkiller.
use regular vinigar to soak in when u take a bath it speeds the healing process
Calamine lotion will work awesome. You can get it at any drug store. Try it!
I have burned my skin pretty badly a couple of times and many times when I was little due to my very fair skin. Nothing helps. The fixes are all only very temporary. I did however get a little relief (enough to finally fall asleep) one time by putting a couple of fans directly over me to keep me cool. But, you can't move and roll around or you will wake up very sore in the morning. You can keep wet towels on the burns too and the fans will keep the towels cool all night. Only downfall is that you may wake up with a stuffy nose and head from all the air blowing on you.;...
I hope that link works. I had a bad burn last year and posted a similar question. These are the answers that I received. I wish you the best.
I think that I took some tylenol, used lots of lotion and slept very poorly that night. Check out those answers and see if anything looks good to you.
Good Luck!
Also, follow the links below ... it has a whole bunch of natural home remedies for sunburn!
First of all, the hot shower was a big mistake. You really accellerated it. Take some Aspirin or whatever anti-inflammatory you can handle. Cool compresses may take some of the heat out for a while, but you'll have to change them often. You will likely blister later. Keep the aloe vera coming. Hope you feel better soon
Just keep lotion on it (one with no alcohol) to keep from peeling, and for the pain, something like Hydrocortisone 5% or Bacitracin or Aloe. Put it on liberally.dont rub.and keep colored clothing off of the areas. Most burns (if true sunburns) hurt because the skin actually "shrinks" in addition to the trauma of all that sun. Keep it moist and wear white! Cool showers will also help. If the pains is really bad, take a tylenol. This advice is for reddened skin only...if its so bad that youre blistering, get to the EOR.
Noxema, in the little blue jar is the best sunburn pain relief there is. Just smear some on the burn it'll cool ya down.
Try using Vaseline it worked for me!
Try a warm 98 degree soak bath with one table spoon {NON SEASONED} meat tenderizer. About 20 minutes.Next time before sunning take a couple asprine something in them helps from burning.
I did this yesterday burnt in the same area only I had blisters. I took a COLD shower for 30 mins, which was extremely miserable. Followed by a dabbing of vinegar only on the worst spots. I followed it with A cold rag layed over the area for 20 mins. Then i put on aloe vera gel in a generous lather. I took 1500 mg of tylenol extra strength for the inflammation. I slept fine last night and I am only slightly sore today. Today I have followed it up with lotion every couple of hours. Good Luck I know what you are going through!
TRIED AND TRUE NOXEMA BABY! (Just like mom and grandma used to use)Take a couple aspirin or advil for the burn and use the noxema to soothe the hurt. After a day or so when the pain is no longer so intense, start using 100% ALOE VERA GEL which you can puchase at any pharmacy. NOTE: from experience, if you use this gel too soon it seems like everything from your bed sheets to your clothes seem to cling to it. OUCH! FOR REAL!
Wow, sorry for your pain. I don't burn, yet I married into a family of red heads, they do. The vinegar, needs to keep being. reapplied over and over about every 10 to 15 minutes, so far this has done miracles for my family. The persistence is what draws the heat out. Sorry, I can not share more ideas. I'm saying a prayer for you though. Long sleeves in th blistering heat of a light weight cotton fabric, should prevent this from reoccurring.

HELP!! I dont know what to do!?

I chipped my toenail and now the corner is falling off. I have high cuticals so I can get ingrown toenails easily. I try to put it in bandages but they come off too easily. Does anyone know any ways to help it?Thanks!P.S. Its like hangoing on by a string like its almost
Finish clipping it off,,,it will grow back. If it starts to be ingrown, see a podiatrist.

Help!! Eye twich!! I have been having this terrible twich under my eye for about 2-3 months.Help!!?

It could mean you are run down, possibly anemic. A blood test will show if you are and iron tablets or an iron infusion will put you right.
that happens to me every once and awhile ... urs might be more serious ... but mine is usually an eyelash in my eye..

Help!! Eye twich!! I have been having this terrible twich under my eye for about 2-3 months.Help!!?

2-3 Months! Wow that's a long time for a irritating eye twitch.
3 Main reasons for eye twitches:
Lack of SleepIf these issues have been dealt with, I'd go to the optometrist!!
it's from fatigue. you need to re evaluate your sleeping pattern. are you getting a full 9 hours? also stress causes that. i get it every so often and it's my body's way of telling me to get some rest.
Maybe you should go to your doctors and get cream or something he/she will know why you have a twichy eye.
My eye does that when I'm tired. If you are worried go and see the doctor, you could maybe ask the chemist even and see if they can help? Good luck!!
I had a slight twitch on my eyelid and went to the opthamologist. He said it was caused by allergies and gave me some ZADITOR samples. (eye drops)
If you didn't bump your head right before this started, I'll bet you just aren't getting enough sleep. Eyelids, arms, and cheek muscles seem to like to twitch when we're beyond tired.

Help!! eye problems!!?

When I wake up, my eyesight go completely black. When I try to walk, I am dizzy to walk. So, I have to stand still. My eyesight return to normal after 3-5 seconds. So, what is my eye problem called and what causes it? Do I need glasses or take eye medicine? It's been happening for 1 year already but it is only like 2 time per month.
So when you get out of bed and stand up, you get dizzy and lose vision? Sounds like orthostatic hypotension, which isn't a problem with your eyes but more your cardiovascular system. If it only happens intermittently and has been doing so for over a year it's no emergency, but you should mention it to your doctor at your next visit.

Help!! I've broken my toe (the one next to the little toe)! Whats the best thing to do?

It's not deformed badly, nor excessively swollen (yet). There is a small hint of a bruise. It's quite painful to walk or attempt to move it. If I go to the hospital they'll just ice it anc maybe tape it after taking x-rays. I'm in between health insurance coverage so I can't afford a big ER visit..
There's nothing doctors do for a broken toe. If you just broke it within the last few hours, apply ice. Ice will constrict the blood vessels which will decrease swelling...and may help with the pain. If you continue to have pain, you can try over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs like motrin or advil. And, of course, staying off the foot/toe as much as possible will decrease pain and increase healing. You could also try taping the toe to another toe. This often helps with discomfort.
unbreak it.
thats what i do.
From my experience, toes break all the time (I do martial arts) and heal by themselves. If it were the big toe, it might be more serious in terms of dealing with it while it heals. But I would say try to get the swelling to go down, and you'll just have to live with the pain for a couple of weeks.
this might be different but two years ago i broke my big two in 3 different places and when i went to the doctor he said you cant put a cast on it but he gave me this weird shoe thingy and i dont really know how it helped but it worked.
Amputate it...I mean...what Carolyn said :P
although it may be painful try to put it back in position and tape it up. if you can stay off of it for a few days as much as possible that would be good. I've also found that steel toed shoes as unstylish as they may be will keep the toes from bending and moving as much.
You're exactly right about seeing a doctor about it. They will just say that you've broken your toe and send you home.Ibuprofen will help with the swelling. Take it before it happens as a preventative measure. If it makes it feel better, try taping it with athletic tape to your middle toe. It may not heal correctly that way but it helps demobilize it, kind of a mini-splint. And toes weren't supposed to be pretty anyway.Open-toed shoes also help. If you have to work in close-toed shoes, just try to minimize walking and explain to your boss and co-workers the situation.And keep up the ibuprofen regularly. If you can, get a prescription dose or just take 600 mg of OTC stuff (that's the prescription strength) every 6 hours.
I have broken all of my toes at some point or other in my life. I think the best thing you can do is just strap it to the middle toe and try and keep off it for a while. ER would do the same and charge a small fortune for it!
If you don't have insurance do not go to the ER... wait until morning and go to a doctors office... they can do the same thing cheaper... in the meanwhile just keep ice on it!
Nothing really a doctor will do, so going to the ER would be pointless anyway. Toes(except the big one on occasion) will heal themselves. Ice it...posibly tape it to the middle toe and endure the pain for the next couple days.of course staying off it will help with the pain part. GL
Tape it to the middle one. There is nothing else that can be done but take some ibuprofen. Maybe soak it in warm water at night. Expect it to be sore for at least a week. It will heal.
There's really nothing they can do for you at the ER, like you said. The best thing you can do is to ice it, elevate it, put something on or around it to cushion, it stay off it as much as possible and wear open-toed shoes for a while.
I broke the same toe in gymnastics (dropped a balance beam on it!), and the trainer told me just what you said: regular icing and definitely keep it taped to your 3rd toe (the one next to it that's not the little toe). The hospital really won't do anything else for you. Walk gently in comfortable shoes. If it still hurts in a couple days, or it's really painful, see if you can access a pair of crutches to help you walk. Hopefully, this will help. Doctors really don't do much for a broken toe (unless it's the big one).Best of luck to you!
Ice it nightly, and tape it to the toe next to it. stay off of your feet as much as possible, wear sandles till it heals.
Everytime i hurt my toe i'm always told not to go to the hosptial because they can't really do anything for it, but if its seriously hurt you should go because it will permantly be "disformed" and will hurt often
Make sure it's in place... make your own splint, use a stiff bottom, small, foot size board and ace it up around your foot, using white tape to secure it.. . another alternative, use steel toe shoes or boots that will not pinch your toe down. use one of the aluminum splints for a single digit (toe or finger) when you are around the house to keep from bumping into it... take tylenon extra strength meds. soak it in cold water periodically... (don't kick anything)
I broke my toe about 2 months ago. They put gauze in between it and the toe next to it and then wrapped it up. Put ice on it and keep it elevated if possible. I couldn't move it for like 3 weeks. It just got to the point about a week ago where it feels like it's back to normal. The Dr told me I could take up to 4 OTC Advil, or 2 Naproxen...which is Aleve. Don't be surprised if you can't wear a shoe right away, but I kind of felt like it helped me keep it immobilized and gave it a little more support. Good luck with it. Oh, and I would tape it to the third toe. The gauze is to give the toes some cushion.
Ah the broken toe, that's my favourite.
I prefer to get this one rather than broken nose or broken teeth.
Here is the deal my friend.
When a toe breaks the best thing is to strap it to the nex toe.(but don't strap to the smalles toe). This is the method had been used in healling broken toes in old martial arts schools and compared to the other methods, it still works like a miracle.
You acually don't need to go to huspital unless you break your biggest toe(I didn't go to hospital even for that one.LOL) or you have an open wound through which you can see your bones.
So strap and fix your broken toe to the mid one.
Just keep in mind that you should not strap so hard to block the blood flow into your toe. The is very important cause you may lose your toe if you do that.
anyways. I hope you best of luck and less breakages !!!

Help!! I quit smoking 2 months ago...?

I have gained 20 pounds, and I feel worse now than I did when I smoked 2 packs a day...any advise?
It's because you stopped drinkin beer!! Would you rather die a little over weight of natural causes or, hacking up a lung as you were being lowered into yer grave?!
Are you substituting food for your smoking habit? Anyway, I think it is normal to gain weight after kicking the habit, but in the long run it's better that you quit. I congratulate you.
I quit about a month ago and instead of smoking I work out or run. If you take up running it will make you realize how terrible smoking is for you and make you never wanna smoke again.
The weight gain is only temporary, worry about keeping quit first, you can worry about the weight later. It does level off.
Two months is great! Its easier to lose weight than to go thru withdrawal again, is it not? I quit 3 months ago and it has levelled off this month. But I feel great , I will never smoke again!
A lot of people gain weight when they first stop smoking,but you can get that weight off.Just keep a close eye on what you are eating.When you feel that you need something keep a roll of Peppermint Lifesavers on hand.The peppermint leaves a heavy minty taste in your mouth and most people are satisfied with that.
And a bigger plus you can give Chris lots of minty kisses !

Help! whats the least harmful way too remove a tick?

my poor dog pissy has a HUGE tick imbedded in her back,and its really in there good.its the size of a pea and i am afraid im going 2 do damage removeing it.any ideas on how to safely remove it?
Pull the tick straight out with tweezers by the head.
do not apply anything to the tick while attatched or sqeeze the tick, as this may release toxins (more) into your dog.apply alcohol to the tick once removed, flush it. Watch the area and warm compress it if you need to. Call your vetyour dog has also been exposed to tick borne diseases such as Lyme Disease. A good product for dogs is K9 Advantix. It repells and kills fleas ticks and Mosquitos and can be purchased at the Vet. You could also be at risk for these diseases if you are bitten. Half of Lyme Disease patients (like me) never knew they were bitten.
paint it with nail polish! it should sufficate and fall off!
Hold a lit incense stick on it. It'll back out on it's own.
Best way to remove ticks is to grasp them firmly with blunt tweezers as close to the skin as you can and apply gentle upward force until it dislodges. It will likely bleed a little bit afterward, but the dog should be fine as long as the whole tick is removed.Nail polish, rubbing alcohol, vaseline and all those other remedies have been shown in many studies not to work. The tick's breathing rate is so slow, that it is nearly impossible to suffocate them. Applying heat causes the tick to burrow in further instead of backing out as is usually believed. Plus you'll feel horrible if you accidently burn your dog trying to get the tick off.
Am sure I've heard they don't like smoke and unbed themselves, also heard you can burn them out too. Don't just pull it as the head will stay imbedded. Good luck
a machete
Douse it in rubbing alcohol until it drowns, it will loosen it's grip and then you may pull it off at the base.
I've heard about coating it with clear nail polish to suffocate it but couldn't be positive if that is harmless, I would call the vet then buy some flea and tick drops from the vet to put on once a month, like Revolution, which prevents fleas, ticks and heartworm (mosquitos). I use it on my dog.

Help! What do i do it stuck to me!?

I got a burn from sliding on carpet (stupid i know) and i put a gauze pad on it and it stuck to my burn and wont come off!
You should soak the gauze in some warm water, since it is a burn and burns get infected easily you should prob boil the water first and then let it cool to a luke warm temp and then soak it. When you put another dressing on it you should use a non stick gauze pad like Tel-fa or my favorite Adaptic (it is an oil infused gauze that doesn't stick). Make sure you watch for signs of infection (redness, puss, hot to the touch, increased pain) as you would need to be seen by a Dr ASAP. Feel Better and Be safe!!
try soaking it in a bath to help pull it off
first relax, than put that limb under warm water soak it, it should loosen up, but dont pull it because you dont want to rip skin and make the burn worse
Try soaking it in cool water. If that doesn't work put some Neosporin on it to soften the gauze.Paramedic in SC
go to the sink or the bath tub and soak it in water it should fall off.
Hop in the shower let the water run over it then rip it. its gonna hurt. then wash the area around it with soap and let the shower rinse off any debris left by the pad.
Pour some Vodka or Alcohol on the gauze, moisten it liberally. Then pull it off fast. That will minimize the pain. (not at first).
Wet the gauze until it is moist enough to take off. When putting a gauze or band aid it helps if you put a little ointment on the band and this should help it from not sticking. Take care.
Soak the body part in warm water, then slowly or quckly pull it off, faster is better, less pain.
try soaking in a warm bath tub. when i had a gauze pad stuck to my toe after surgery, that's what the dr. told me to do. it softens what ever is the reason for it sticking. so i took advantage of the situation and took a long relaxing bath. told husband... dr's orders

HELP! Tryouts soon?

Dance Tryouts are TOMORROW!?
OK. I am trying out for my competitive dance team this year and I do NOT know what to do! I am sooooooo nervous! We have to do a double piurotte (don't know how to spell it) a toe touch, and the splits, and a whole dance routine. I was just recently in an injury and had to learn to do the splits all over again...I get really nervous and sometimes can't spin all the way around twice without falling over.does anyone have any other tips to help me make the team?! It seems like they are being much more strict than when my friends tried out 2 yrs ago...and they made it. I don't know. I'm only in the seventh grade but most of the ppl trying out are younger than me and cant do much else. I really want to do it but I am so scared that I'll mess up! Help!
How could their be dance tryouts when school just finished today?
Don't stress! If you do mess up, keep on going and don't forget to smile! for your dance routine and technique make sure their sharp and keep your toes pointed!


go on yahoo chat, and ask someone in your regional chat room to call your house and tell your folks the problem.
Get your local police dept online and send an email.
if you give your parents number, someone can call them for you
Try pounding on the floor with your foot. Maybe that will wake them.
Email me with your number and I will call them for you.
dial 911 orthe emergency no and i'll pray its ok take it easy dont struglle
Ouch! If you have cream or vaseline nearby, - or any form of lubricant - try to rub it on your hand to make it easier to loosen.Otherwise can't you send an sms to your parents from the internet?If that doesnt help, scream as much as you can and hopefully someone hears you.goodluck...
wonder if your messenger- yahoo-google etal have phone sms/ call facility in your area.
If yes, immediately call up the family/ firebrigade/police.
An email may take time to be looked into at this early hour.
Get out of the bed. Once you remove your weight, the mattress will be lighter and you can easily remove your hand.
scream really loud stating your problem and hopefully a neighbor will hear and call the police. If that doesn't work, band your foot on the ground. get any siblings if you have any. don't worry.

Help! Swollen lip!?

Besides lip balm, is there anything I can do to make the swelling go down quickly?
put ice on it. Ice makes the swelling go down.
ice pack
Hold ice on for 30 seconds, leave of for five minutes, put on for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times
Ice inside a cloth
GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!! You may need antibiotics.
ice 10 min and 10 min off

HELP! Spectacles/Eyesight problem.?

I used to have 75/75 specs but i seldom wear it. Coz some pple said if i dont wear it, it'll get better, thats if i dont 'squint' my eyes. but now i'm 150/175 - guess it didnt work huh!I only wear specs at work and when driving, which is like 10 hours a day, 5 times a week. when i first use my specs, i get headaches and my eyes kinda hurt. i went back to the optician and was told that i was on the correct degree, and if i were to use a lower one, its like practically not wearing one, which will in turn worsen my eyesight. after a few months, i still get headaches, but only for like 1 hour, then after that i will feel normal i.e. no headaches anymore. is my degree too high? Or am i getting headaches for the first hour coz im not used to wearing specs.
Probably because you don't wear them all the time.

Help! Serious medical problem?

I have a serious medical problem and I hope someone can help me because I have never seen anything like this before, and I need to figure out what to do.A few minutes ago I farted so hard that it blew my asshole inside out. I didn't even know this was possible! Is there some way to get it back the right way or do I need to go to the doctor? Please help!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... ahhh **** man.
Go to the doctor.if its been like for a few mos. it seems that you can't get it back right.
You have hemeriods.Go see a doctor and have them removed.
Go take a shower and wash the area with soap and water
and it will return inside. If not see the doctor.
man,i feel bad, this happened to me once, i went to the doctor and got better. is this true? probably not.
Sounds like rectal prolapse. Caused by increased intra-abdo pressure. Rectal prolapse can lead to rectal ulceration, bleeding and incontinence. Treatment depends on the symptoms and underlying cause. Getting rid of the cause i.e straining may be the only treatment needed. An older adult may requir a sclerosing agent injected that helps fix the rectum in place. Severe prolapse requires surgical repair by strengthening or tightening the tiny muscels (sphinctres) or by cutting back prolapsed tissue.
While waiting for your dr you could keep a saltwater soaked pad over the prolapse. All the best Alison
Give it a few days, and it'll probably return to normal. Try not to sit straight up on your butt. Recline or lie down and relax. If it doesn't fix itself in a few days, or if you have a lot of pain, then you'll probably want to see a doc.
sorry, if your going to use curse words like asshole, then your question is automatically not serious. if you really did that i suggest seeing a doctor, although i have a feeling that this is a joke, no, get back into bed and sleep on it.
One time I did this and I cut it out cuz it was too weird. When I poo'd it went back in my bum cuz its inside out. Ouch.

HELP! pain in the tender area?

i am a male 18 years old and recently ive been experiancing sharp pain that feels like a nail is being driven into my left ball. this occurs once then goes away, also i feel i might have noticed the left ball may be a tad bit smaller then the right. what can this lead to and how soon should i take action?
kaj,First off, the size difference is completely normal. One is usually smaller than the other.Next, I would suggest you be seen by a physician soon. ANY testicular pain, transient or not, should be taken seriously. It could stem from any number of things.It doesn't pay to take chances...when it comes to the 'boys'.
it sounds like you might need to get check by your dr. sweetie. probably nothing but it is best to let a dr. check you.
I would go to the doctor pretty soon this could be a very serious problem. Like an inverted testicle or even more serious.
Go to doctor for check up!
The testes can be different in size, and as long as its the same,long term (not shrinking/swelling) then its normal, but pain is not.
You could have a torsion (Twisting) of the testes. This could affect your ability to have children, so get it checked out A.S.A.P. even if just for peace of mind.

HELP! navel piercing has a bump?

i got my navel pierced 3 months ago n ive been takin care of it but i have a bump in it n it hurts like hell ! lol n the piercer told me to use neoporsin and anti-bacterial sopa when i got it done which i have.... how do i GET THE BUMP oUT PLEZ!!
i had a bump on mine after like 2 months. it hurt like hell so i went to the piercer and he told me to clean it with saline solution. so after i did that a day or 2 later it didnt hurt anymore and the bump also went away. i hope this helped! oh and i also started using dail soap the antibacterial kind.
I'm not sure how to get the bump to go away, but I would see a doctor. All of my friends, including myself, have their belly button pierced, and I haven't heard of anyone having this problem. So I'd see a doctor

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help! My bodie hurts all the time and im not sure what i can do !!?

i am suffering from alot of body pain and have countless number of visits in the ER , systoms are chronic pain fatigue, restless legs , muscle aches, through out my body joints and muscles pop snap and crackle, sharp throbbing pain through out my bodie, anxiety from all of this, most of the time my bodie has a tenderious about i cant understand , it rains i hurt if it is cold i hurt along with acheing, i dont have a medical dont nor do i have insurance, to see a doctor , and er is getting old , i have had countless blood tests with nothing postive, but not all tests have been done, alot more to go , any ideas what i should or could do at this time , im tired of feeling like this and i have tried several candida cleanses to help my bodie PLZ HELP! if u can any idea's would be excellent TY .
Sounds like you need one doctor, not multiple ER doctors. They don't know you or your history. If you found one family practice doctor, one you can trust, you might get some relief. Plus the ER is expensive! Make an appointment. Sounds like you have arthritis and possibly a chronic pain disorder.
u have to relax ur body and ur mind too...laugh is the best medicine to our life.. and dont keep thinking all the time...cos ur mind need to rest also..hapy life and smile always...
U may Take Raw garlic first thing in Morning with warm water for few days. Its better to avoid eating thereafter for half an hour.
Have you tried essential oils? It's a natural way to cope with your needs. This website has tons of essential oils at the best quality and lowest prices! They have pure essential oil blends, essential massage oils, and free recipes.


I got my head stuck in a plastic circle thing and I cant get out!!
oh man dude you're're gonna die now for sure
use some butter
get a knife and GENTLEY try to cut a hole in it then try to rip it apart
Keep smoking the crack and it will disappear.
put lots of oil on the plastic thing, and pull it off.
Hold your breath until you pass out and you'll forget all about it.
OK, obviously a joke. But thanks for the points !
good luck thanks for the two points
next time be smart and thanks for the 2 points
well yeh thanks and yeh pull it as hard as you can and if you get bored you no what to do
lmao at some of these answers! ty for the points too!

HELP! I'm bleeding!?

While eating a sour gummy, I bit my cheek really bad. it's bleeding. I'm putting tissues in there to help it stop bleeding but their making me gag. Any suggestions?
I've done that before and the only thing that ever worked was sucking on a tea bag. It took about ten minutes but it worked great. Hope this helps!!-Ken
Swish some ice cold water in your mouth for a minute or two and if that doesn't stop it use a gauze 2x2 and press it in place on the cheek bite area till the bleeding stops.
How long have you been bleeding for? Keep trying to stop the bleeding with the tissues. You should stop bleeding if you are able to clot normally. P.S. Not many people like the taste of blood, except vampires. LOL
agree with the tea bag,,,also ice water or ice chips
Rinse your mouth out with warm salt water a few times.It helps to control the bleeding,and it doesn't burn,it also helps to kill germs.Was told this by my dentiist when I had a tooth cut out.
Ouch! You may not like the taste, but very salted warm water to swish through your mouth will start to ease it. It will heal pretty quick if you don't mess with it too much, but you should really do the salted water trick a few times.
I would say to rinse your mouth out with water. If it is really painful, put some toothache numbing cream on it, you can get that from the store. Also, ice on the outside of your cheek will help stop the bleeding, ice chips if you can handle it inside your mouth. But, if the bleeding doesn't stop or is really bad, go to the doc.

Help! I'm a nursing student.. How do I get over the fear of giving shots?

First of all, congratulations on being a nursing student!I will be starting my second semester in nursing school in August.I had the same problem as you with giving shots. All through clinicals I never got the opportunity to give a shot. Everyone said try practicing with fruit, so I did. I found that ripe grapefruits are as close to the real thing. My brother-in-law lets me give him his shot every two weeks. So, I hope this helps... ripe grapefruits, and try and find someone you know who will let you use them as guinea pigs. If anything just use a pen and simulate the steps such as positioning. I tell you...even after several months of giving my BIL his injections I still feel a little twinge of fear but I tell myself, "You know the steps, you know what to do...get over it."Good luck!
My roommate in college was a nursing student and she practiced on oranges a lot. Just do it until it doesn't feel scary. You can desensitize yourself to it.
aim close your eyes open half way shut open at the end
get some fruit and practice over and over the technique. trust me. giving shots will be the least of your worries. you will look back and laugh at yourself.
practice subcutaneous injection
and intramuscular
meds like lovenox givin subq are different than other injections. it is giving in the abdomen, you do not aspirate and you do not massage the site.get really familiar and comfortable and you will be the best.
You will in time, a very short time. Just put your training to work, follow the steps every time and do it right. The more you give the better. Practice does make perfect.
Good luck, love a nurse PRN.
I'm a first-aider, and although I don't have to give any shots I used to be a little squeamish at the sight of lots of blood. Hopefully the mindset technique that worked for me will work for you too.Try telling yourself, "If I don't do this, this person is going to die" even if they're not. You'll hopefully find that adrenaline will kick in and you'll find it a lot easier. After a while it'll just become second nature to you.Hope this helps. Good luck with your studies.
Ive been dibetic for 24 years I became dibetic when i was 3 years old Ive never gave a shot to another person but i started practicing when i was 4 or 5 by giving a shoot to a stuffed animal that was i could pinch up like you would on the skin of a small kid then I moved on to fruit to get use to what the texture would be like. If you have a fear of giving a shot to another person my suggestion would be to give yourself a shot
You are in the wrong field, simple as that!
Like anything else is life..doing it repeatedly. Someday you'll wish that was your biggest fear.
This is going to sound completely unhelpful, but, the only way to get over any kind of fear in nursing is by repeatedly doing it. It really does help to practice on something like an orange. For IM's practice aspirating, so, you find a technique that works for you. Sorry wish I could give you the magic answer.

Help! I have this scape on my face!?

Okay, So my friend accidently scratched me on the face and now I have this big scratch on my chin. It's all scapey ans looks gross. What do I do? I want for it to go away? Please help! I appriciate all anwsers and 10 points to the one that helps me most!Thank you!~Raspberry~
Put something on it like Neosporin to speed up the healing process. Avoid picking at it or scratching it -- that will make it more pronounced and even cause it to scar. Neosporin comes in both an oily gel and a cream. Use the cream to avoid having a big shiny spot on your chin. It will also help prevent scarring. You could cover it with a band-aid if you want to cover it up, but I think that leaving it uncovered will be fine. Don't worry about how it looks -- it's more noticeable to you than to others and it will go away soon.
Neosporin will help it heal fast and a lesser chance of a visible scar.

Help! I have a terrible migraine and I'm pregnant.?

I work 8 hours a day under horrible lighting at a fragrance counter. And normally it doesn't affect me, since yesterday I have had a terrible migraine that rest and tylenol will not work against. I went to the doctor who said she would still only let me take tylenol. Any other safe and natural remedies?
Between the lighting and the fragrance you definitely have a lot to contend with. Lie in a darkened room and Place an ice pack on the back of your neck and a cold towel on your forehead. Do this for fifteen minutes then remove the ice pack and lay quietly for 30 minutes.
Just to let you know that some of those fancy feature lights can reach 140 degrees F. If you are pregnant, you might find the heat from the lights uncomfortable. Sorry about your migraine. It must suck that if you are pregnant and can't take meds.
It's ok to take two excedrin. The same thing happened to me when I was around five months pregnant. Tylenol wasn't working so I popped two excedrin and the pain went away. And my daughter is now 5 - no birth defects, no nothing.
Drink lots and lots of water. I know that this sounds too simple, but it worked for me, when I was pregnant. I ignored the doctor the first time he said it, but when the headaches continued, I decided to give it a try. It worked. Your body is overworked and needs more water than normal. Hope this helps you, too!
There is a new development in migraine therapy:

HELP! I have a fever!?

I woke up with a sore throat yesterday. Then today after football practice I felt really woozy and out of it. I started getting really cold a couple hours ago and now i have a fever of 102.2! Help me! It hit me like a truck, I had no idea it was coming. How do i cure it...
sounds like a typical virus. a virus has no cure and takes about 10-14 days to run it's course.if your sore throat is so severe that breathing or swallowing hurts tremendously (or if you have white patches on the back of your throat) then get into to see the dr within 24 hours b/c there is a good chance you have strep throat and the only cure for it is antibiotics. it's highly contagious as well.otherwise just do these following things to help treat your symptoms-drink,drink,drink!! make sure to get plenty of fluids. dehydration is a major concern when people are sick b/c they don't feel up to eating or drinking anything. water,gatorade,or sprite (or similar) work best.-take ibuprofen to lower your fever (if not allergic) and to also help with body aches. take 200-400mg every 6 hours as needed but no not exceed 1200mg in 24 hours. you can alternate tylenol with motrin if you want to (max dose for tylenol is 4000mg in 24 hours).-take nyquil (or similar nite time cold/flu medicine) to help you sleep at nite. if you take this-do NOT take ibuprofen or tylenol with it b/c the nyquil has tylenol already in it.-use a warm mist humidifier at nite to help keep the air moist and prevent your throat from drying out and becoming more sore. this will also help break up any chest congestion you might have.-if you do feel like eating, stick to bland foods. things like
soup or broth
jelloavoid dairy products b/c these will make your congestion worse and milk can curdle in your stomach w/a high as much as possible b/c this is your body's best way to fighting the illness and getting you back to feeling to the emergency room if-you start to feel dizzy or faint (or if you pass out)
-your fever climbs to 104.0 or higher
-you become confused or lethargic (are unable to move)
-you have no urine output for more than 12 hoursmake an appt with your dr otherwise if you don't start feeling better within the next 2 days. a fever lasting longer than 3 days should be evaluated. hope you feel better
Get off the computer and go to the emergency room. 102.2 s serious business!
Do not try to cure a fever. THat is your bodies natural way of trying to fight off what is wrong. Sounds like you have the flu or an upper respiratory so get rest and drink lots of fluids.
Go... see.. the . doctor now!
Take Tylenol or Advil to get the fever down and see the doc ASAP because you have an infection.
See a doctor if you have any time to write your question here. It is better way to escapre from fever. Take care.
You need to go to the doctor, you could have a number of different problems, and some are contagious. But until then, take some tylenol, or advil to help bring temp down, gargle with hot salt water to help relieve the sore throat, drink plenty of water, and try to rest.
Take one extra strength Tylenol and take a luke warm shower. Take your temperature again 45 minutes later. If it is still just as high, take a trip to an urgent care clininc in your area.
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