Once in a while, I get these terrible pains in my anus. I am not constipated. I sometimes get them before my period starts. I tried taking Pepto but it doesn't help. It is 2 A.M. here and the nearest 24 hr. Walgreens is too far and I don't want to go to the ER. What might help? Would Epsom Salt help if I just put my rear in it? I know this sounds very gross and maybe even funny but it is anything but this! It is excruciating. Would a heating pad help? Any advice (kind) would be appreciated.
It sounds as though you have Internal Hemmoroids. The fact you often feel this before you get your period is pretty telling. If you have Tucks Medicated Pads, they really Help a lot with the swelling. Actually it's one of the things Drs give their new mothers after having a baby to keep the swelling down..
There is NO need to go to the Hospital Unless you begin to pass Blood, then you may have a ruptured or torn Hemmoriod...
Also sleep on your back will feel better than laying on your stomache..I have felt what you have described so I am pretty certain if you have the Tucks you'll be fine...
If not you should get some..Heating pads will only enlarge the blood vessels and increase the pain.
Hang in there..
You may just have a rash in the folds of skin either form sweating and your skin rubbing together or wipping too hard. I would try to rest, maybe try to take some advil for the pain, and see if it heals when you wake up. If It dosn't improve, take a dose of pepto and see if it improves any, but def. call the doctor as soon as possible if there is any blood in your stool or you have chronic bowel movements; these could be the signs that something is wrong with your intestines itself. Oh.. I just thought of something else; you may be hemriods. Not excatly sure what they are, but look them up and see if the symptoms match yours, and like I said visit a doctor.
ask your local doctor instead of us
Sorry but the only way to relieve this is to see a doctor, go to the ER where they can properly diagnose and resolve your problem. Nobody on answers will have a proper diagnosis and resolution for you, not even a doctor because they would need to examine you. Go to the ER.
just remove your head from the affected area and symptoms should disappear
Try the heating pad, by don't sit on it. Lie on your front and place it on your rear. Try taking some pain medication to relieve you aches. I hope you feel better.
um, could be hemorrhoids. You can get a cream for it. On the other hand, it depends if it's internal or external, maybe a hernia? Take some ibuprofen (or any other NSAID-non steroid anti inflammatory drug- if not allergic) and make an appt to see a doctor. There are too many possibilities.
heat or cold might help. See which works best 4 u.
Epsom salt baths are great! I have had many pain issues... and soaking in a tub of water helps me. Pain is not gross it just is. Find a kind doctor that will do an exam and some labs. Taking care of my body has and continues to be a priority. If allopathic medical care does not bring relief, try a naturapath.
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