My 5 yr old son was playing next door at a friends house and they were in the backyard swinging and a wasp stung him on his earlobe, i have ice on it now, do i need to do more?
make a thick mixture of baking soda and water apply to the sting for 15mins. (this sucks the bad stuff out) after that apply ice to it for 15 mins
its too late sorry :'( i would buy u a present but idk u
Give him a some vodka..heh sorry
watch for swelling ice sounds good if ithe swelling goes further then the ear better get him in to the ER
this is what you do, get some ice and put it on the spot then then put achocol and it then put a band -aid on it bring him to the er
it may swell and it may hurt, but don't worry-unless he's allergic, he will be fine! if this is his first time being stung and he is reacting badly, contact his physician and ask what the signs are if he were to be allergic. he might feel a little bit sick, but just let him relax and be comfortable. if his head is hot, a shower should help.
you shouldn't have too many problems :] tell him to feel better!
This may sounds crazy, but applying a paste made from meat tenderizer (meat tenderizer mixed with water) is ideal for bee stings. Leave it on for five minutes and then wash it off. If you have no meat tenderizer, baking soda will work too. The tenderizer neutralizes the venom.If, however, there is any swelling whatsoever, you must contact your doctor or call 911. Wasp stings are more dangerous than bee stings, so be careful.Good luck!
It all depends is he allergic to bee or wasp stings? if he is call 911 and keep him calm. if not an over the counter insect /anti itch cream will help. also if youy notice any swelling over the counter benadryl will help with the sweeling too. what you do want to do is watch for any shortness of breath or wheezing caused by an alergic reaction to the sting. if you do notice any shortness of breath of wheezing go to your closest ER or call 911.
You might try meat tenderizer or salt to draw out the venom. But meanwhile, ice is about the best thing.
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