
Saturday, October 31, 2009


I want to know if you know any pain relivers for cramps.
What kind of cramps? Menstrual or muscular? If muscular, then find what the cause is and eliminate it. Are you getting enough calcium? Too much magnesium? Are you eating enough salt? Are you drinking (get this) too much water? Once you get the cramp, breathe through is and try to relax. There isn't any real need to stretch the opposite direction...just yet...relax and ride it out. Then, do gentle stretching and heat if necessary. It the cramps are severe menstrual, talk with your doctor. You do not need to suffer unnecessarily. Good Luck, Connie
If extra strength Midol does not work for you I have found that the Excederin for Migraines is a wonderful over the counter pain reliever for cramps! Give it a try - you will love it!
the best thing for cramps, is stretching, even though it sounds painful it really does help..also try some ibuprofen
aleve works for me.
Sure, there are all sorts of pain relievers over the counter. Call your doctor to find out what is wrong. He/she could prescribe something. Try hot baths, heating pads. I second the response for excedrin migraine. It is great for cramps.
Midol, Ibuprofen .and chamomile's tea! ;)
Tylenol extra strength
btw-make ur self a comfort box full of junk food and chocolate and movies. And you have to stretch. Just lay on your back and stretch your arms and legs and torso! Best thing to do. Drink tea too. Ask your doctor if your having real bad pain cause he might put you in Birth control pills and it will help control ur pain
Advil duh! it says it in the commercial. The every pain reliever

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