
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Help!!!!!!!!!! (More in details section).?

Last night was a horrible night, my stomch wasent feeling well and i was worried that was going to throw up which got me worked up and i couldent sleep and now my throwt hurts and it was just horrible last night. And now im worried that tonight will be that same as last night and my mom says im getting my self all worked up about nuthing, please help, i need a way to help me relax and make tonight a better night. PLEASE HELP ME :( . I NEED TO RELAX.
Try to calm down and relax. Sip cold water and stay cool. You won't throw up if you stay cool. To help cool down quickly you can try placing a bottle of water on your wrists as the blood flows quickly from this point and will help circulate cold blood around your body or place a cold washcloth on the back of your neck.
Take a nice warm shower. Than drink a nice warm cup of peppermint or green tea, than go lie down.
You sound like my daughter.
Your mother is right, you need to relax.
Sip some warm tea to soothe both your tummy and your throat. Take some Tylenol and go lie down in a cool dark room. Play some soft relaxing music that you like. Concentrate on breathing. They square breathing.
Inhale to the count of 4
Hold for the count of 4
Exhale for the count of 4
Hold for the count of 4
Continue until you are relaxed and sleepy.
If you feel like your gonna puke then just puke. you'll feel a whole lot better after. And in case you don't know, puking is the bodies way of getting rid of something that shouldn't been in your stomach. It throws it up before it gets totally digested and does harm to your body. Thats why people puke when they drink to excess. Them puking is actually saving them from a potentially life threatening situation- alcohol poisoning. Like the other lady said, take a tylenol and maybe even a couple sleeping pills if your old enough. Better ask your mom first though. Some parents don't like there kids self-administering drugs. Lay down and wait for the sleep. You'll be to tired to worry. Plus your mom will be in a better mood if she doesn't have to stay up all night read you bedtime stories. Please don't take offense to this, but honestly if your old enough to be on message boards on the internet, you can deal with a little nausea and sore throat.
Think you've already answered your question, but it is a normal human reaction to be afraid of bedtime, If you can't sleep and it's not a good experience.But you recognize that you need to relax. What works for many is only using the bedroom for sleep, set a time to go to bed that you honor (don't vary on the weekends), spend the evening with a warm glass of milk and relaxing bath.See if you can work in some meditation or visualization. Instead of counting the minutes when you're in bed, imagine that you're falling asleep and imagine what it's like and what you'd dream about.Don't go through a mental list of what happened the previous day or worry about what's going to happen the next day; the next day will come to you. This is YOUR time and no one else's.However, if you're in bed for more than 30 minutes and you've not fallen asleep, get up and go to another room to read a boo or relax until you're sleepy.Do talk to a doc about your inability to sleep; you could have a sleep disorder, but it could be anxiety about NOT falling asleep

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