my poor dog pissy has a HUGE tick imbedded in her back,and its really in there good.its the size of a pea and i am afraid im going 2 do damage removeing it.any ideas on how to safely remove it?
Pull the tick straight out with tweezers by the head.
do not apply anything to the tick while attatched or sqeeze the tick, as this may release toxins (more) into your dog.apply alcohol to the tick once removed, flush it. Watch the area and warm compress it if you need to. Call your vetyour dog has also been exposed to tick borne diseases such as Lyme Disease. A good product for dogs is K9 Advantix. It repells and kills fleas ticks and Mosquitos and can be purchased at the Vet. You could also be at risk for these diseases if you are bitten. Half of Lyme Disease patients (like me) never knew they were bitten.
paint it with nail polish! it should sufficate and fall off!
Hold a lit incense stick on it. It'll back out on it's own.
Best way to remove ticks is to grasp them firmly with blunt tweezers as close to the skin as you can and apply gentle upward force until it dislodges. It will likely bleed a little bit afterward, but the dog should be fine as long as the whole tick is removed.Nail polish, rubbing alcohol, vaseline and all those other remedies have been shown in many studies not to work. The tick's breathing rate is so slow, that it is nearly impossible to suffocate them. Applying heat causes the tick to burrow in further instead of backing out as is usually believed. Plus you'll feel horrible if you accidently burn your dog trying to get the tick off.
Am sure I've heard they don't like smoke and unbed themselves, also heard you can burn them out too. Don't just pull it as the head will stay imbedded. Good luck
a machete
Douse it in rubbing alcohol until it drowns, it will loosen it's grip and then you may pull it off at the base.
I've heard about coating it with clear nail polish to suffocate it but couldn't be positive if that is harmless, I would call the vet then buy some flea and tick drops from the vet to put on once a month, like Revolution, which prevents fleas, ticks and heartworm (mosquitos). I use it on my dog.
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