
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Help!! I've broken my toe (the one next to the little toe)! Whats the best thing to do?

It's not deformed badly, nor excessively swollen (yet). There is a small hint of a bruise. It's quite painful to walk or attempt to move it. If I go to the hospital they'll just ice it anc maybe tape it after taking x-rays. I'm in between health insurance coverage so I can't afford a big ER visit..
There's nothing doctors do for a broken toe. If you just broke it within the last few hours, apply ice. Ice will constrict the blood vessels which will decrease swelling...and may help with the pain. If you continue to have pain, you can try over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs like motrin or advil. And, of course, staying off the foot/toe as much as possible will decrease pain and increase healing. You could also try taping the toe to another toe. This often helps with discomfort.
unbreak it.
thats what i do.
From my experience, toes break all the time (I do martial arts) and heal by themselves. If it were the big toe, it might be more serious in terms of dealing with it while it heals. But I would say try to get the swelling to go down, and you'll just have to live with the pain for a couple of weeks.
this might be different but two years ago i broke my big two in 3 different places and when i went to the doctor he said you cant put a cast on it but he gave me this weird shoe thingy and i dont really know how it helped but it worked.
Amputate it...I mean...what Carolyn said :P
although it may be painful try to put it back in position and tape it up. if you can stay off of it for a few days as much as possible that would be good. I've also found that steel toed shoes as unstylish as they may be will keep the toes from bending and moving as much.
You're exactly right about seeing a doctor about it. They will just say that you've broken your toe and send you home.Ibuprofen will help with the swelling. Take it before it happens as a preventative measure. If it makes it feel better, try taping it with athletic tape to your middle toe. It may not heal correctly that way but it helps demobilize it, kind of a mini-splint. And toes weren't supposed to be pretty anyway.Open-toed shoes also help. If you have to work in close-toed shoes, just try to minimize walking and explain to your boss and co-workers the situation.And keep up the ibuprofen regularly. If you can, get a prescription dose or just take 600 mg of OTC stuff (that's the prescription strength) every 6 hours.
I have broken all of my toes at some point or other in my life. I think the best thing you can do is just strap it to the middle toe and try and keep off it for a while. ER would do the same and charge a small fortune for it!
If you don't have insurance do not go to the ER... wait until morning and go to a doctors office... they can do the same thing cheaper... in the meanwhile just keep ice on it!
Nothing really a doctor will do, so going to the ER would be pointless anyway. Toes(except the big one on occasion) will heal themselves. Ice it...posibly tape it to the middle toe and endure the pain for the next couple days.of course staying off it will help with the pain part. GL
Tape it to the middle one. There is nothing else that can be done but take some ibuprofen. Maybe soak it in warm water at night. Expect it to be sore for at least a week. It will heal.
There's really nothing they can do for you at the ER, like you said. The best thing you can do is to ice it, elevate it, put something on or around it to cushion, it stay off it as much as possible and wear open-toed shoes for a while.
I broke the same toe in gymnastics (dropped a balance beam on it!), and the trainer told me just what you said: regular icing and definitely keep it taped to your 3rd toe (the one next to it that's not the little toe). The hospital really won't do anything else for you. Walk gently in comfortable shoes. If it still hurts in a couple days, or it's really painful, see if you can access a pair of crutches to help you walk. Hopefully, this will help. Doctors really don't do much for a broken toe (unless it's the big one).Best of luck to you!
Ice it nightly, and tape it to the toe next to it. stay off of your feet as much as possible, wear sandles till it heals.
Everytime i hurt my toe i'm always told not to go to the hosptial because they can't really do anything for it, but if its seriously hurt you should go because it will permantly be "disformed" and will hurt often
Make sure it's in place... make your own splint, use a stiff bottom, small, foot size board and ace it up around your foot, using white tape to secure it.. . another alternative, use steel toe shoes or boots that will not pinch your toe down. use one of the aluminum splints for a single digit (toe or finger) when you are around the house to keep from bumping into it... take tylenon extra strength meds. soak it in cold water periodically... (don't kick anything)
I broke my toe about 2 months ago. They put gauze in between it and the toe next to it and then wrapped it up. Put ice on it and keep it elevated if possible. I couldn't move it for like 3 weeks. It just got to the point about a week ago where it feels like it's back to normal. The Dr told me I could take up to 4 OTC Advil, or 2 Naproxen...which is Aleve. Don't be surprised if you can't wear a shoe right away, but I kind of felt like it helped me keep it immobilized and gave it a little more support. Good luck with it. Oh, and I would tape it to the third toe. The gauze is to give the toes some cushion.
Ah the broken toe, that's my favourite.
I prefer to get this one rather than broken nose or broken teeth.
Here is the deal my friend.
When a toe breaks the best thing is to strap it to the nex toe.(but don't strap to the smalles toe). This is the method had been used in healling broken toes in old martial arts schools and compared to the other methods, it still works like a miracle.
You acually don't need to go to huspital unless you break your biggest toe(I didn't go to hospital even for that one.LOL) or you have an open wound through which you can see your bones.
So strap and fix your broken toe to the mid one.
Just keep in mind that you should not strap so hard to block the blood flow into your toe. The is very important cause you may lose your toe if you do that.
anyways. I hope you best of luck and less breakages !!!

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