Well, today i fell down the staircase because my sock was too silky and that the staircase is originally narrow and the steps are shorter, i know i should have been careful. Anyway, i went not head down but straight down on the side of my back slipping from my buttock down and down the steps. My buttocks really hurt and like the bone in between, i don't know whether its a tail bone or what but the bone in between the buttocks hurt me really much. I can walk without pain and all but when i sit and stand, then that's when it really hurts. I'd took this patches helping to sooth it. Will it heal and go back to normal and will it affect me in adulthood like will my bone be really bad? I am 16 years old right now and will it effect me in having childbirth ?And will the pain go away within a week? By the way, i did hurt myself once before this in the same spot. Please help, thanks!
I have hurt that "tail bone" numerous times before. I hurt it in 7th grade the first time, and now I am 30 and have hurt it at least 3 more times since then. Seems like when you hurt it once, it is more sensitive forever. However, I have 2 kids and have had NO problems with childbirth because of it. But if you do not let it rest, it will not heal very fast at all, and it IS very painful. The last time I went to the doctor, he recommended I get a "donut." It's a little round rubber thing you blow up and sit on, and BOY DOES IT HELP!! They're not very expensive, and it helps take pressure off of that bone when you're sitting or lying down, and seems to make it heal much faster. Good luck!
You might want to go and see a doctor because you may have broken your saccrym/coccyx *tail bone*.
You really need to see a doctor to make the determination about whether or not it will be permit damage or not. I am sorry that you fell down.
that bone is called the coccyx. landing on it is very painful and the pain can stick around for awhile. if you start getting shooting pain down one leg, you should go see a doctor. other than that ice and motrin will do wonders.
you should go to the hospital right now if it is affecting your sitting/standing
you might have broken your tail bone=unfortunately it cannot be fixed and it take sometime to heal=later on in life you will get arthritic pain there
you bruised your coccyx (tailbone) it will hurt for a while and you might need an inflatable "doughnut" to sit on for a while, it is nothing that will hurt you when you are an adult. Just give it time
it could be your tail bone. I'd say see a dr... I've heard that if you break your tail bone it can rebreak during childbirth...
The exact same thing happened to my tail bone. The pain was horrible and took a year to dissipate on its own. Later, I had four pregnancies. But, if you're really worried, you could always get it checked out by a medical practitioner.
Ow You'll be fine.
that's definitely your tailbone and it will hurt for the rest of your life...they don't really completely heal but you won't feel pain constantly
You are referring to your coccyx. The good news is that we don't really need that bone. The bad news is that it can cause pain if it becomes dislocated or broken. Try sitting on a donut to relieve the pain when sitting. It might get better on its own. If not I would consult a doctor who might send you to physical therapy. This will have no effect on you having children. But if the pain continues I would go see a doctor. This problem should be easy to resolve with treatment. You don't have to live in pain!
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