
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Here lately my back has been hurting really bad.?

Is there a direct corolation between a person matress and lower back pain? I can't afford a really expensive matress if there is. Do you have any suggestions.xoxoxoxox
there are correlations but in basic laws of logic correlation doesn't prove cause and affect.If your having back pain and you've seen a specialist and they suggest better posture or more excerisice, basically saying there's nothing they can do, I suggest you do try those first attempts. Secondly, while a new mattress would be ideal, it usaully isn't ideal for our wallets since they can run in the thousands for a quality one. My suggestion is a mattress pad. I love those things. When I moved in with boyfriend he had one that was pretty nice. But when we got engaged I decided we needed to get a new one to have things be fresh. I went to walmart and got a great one. Walmart actually has really good quality brands on a lot of things. I also got myself a new pillow, since I had been having back pain aswell. The two worked. There are a wide assortment of pillows and pads that you can get to help your back. I suggest a polyester pillow stuffing that way its still great for your back and posture and cheaper cost. And for the mattress pad just feel around and read the labeling. They describe what is best for the results that you are seeking. Good luck with your search
You don't think it could be a kidney infection do you? Any fever? Yes, low back pain can come from a bad mattress. When my back hurts I have one of those big exercise balls and lay on it in the small of my back and it really feels good after a while.
Yes, although there are a number of different reasons for back pain. Did you know that Louise Hay "You Can Heal Your Own Life" says that people experiencing lower back pain feel unsupported financially, so transfer that frustration to their body. I too have a sore back and not much money for a good mattress. My long term plan is to get a good mattress on H.P. as soon as I can afford it but in the short term, make sure I am doing stretches and yoga, and thinking about lifting and bending so not to put more stress on my back.
just put a piece of plywood between your boxspring and your mattress its just o soft spot in your bed. you must have children or you've been real busy. just try it

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