
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hey i need serious help...knee pain...??

Ive had acl reconstruction a year ago and the doctor also told me that i had a partially torn meniscus but he left it alone as he told me it was "supposed" to heal...But now, i still have knee pains and a clicking sound when my joint moves. The doctor say is fine and that is because my muscles are not strong enough...Im just have a feeling his pulling this one off, i mean a year and the pain is still 18 years old and wanna play sports... My knee dont give way now but still feels uncomfortable and pain... I really dont know, i wont have enough money for another operation( and im NOT going to go through the pain of rebulding my muslces etc ) man this is ****...cant the doctor just reconstruct the meniscus the first time i had operation? what am i supposed to do now?
Although you would need a doctor's examination, it still sounds to me like you need that meniscus shaved or something. To me, the clicking sound you're hearing most likely is your torn meniscus. At this point I would get a second opinion. Do you have insurance? Why do you talk about having enough money for another surgery? If this is truly malpractice by the first guy, you might probably get everything paid for at the end.In the meantime, do keep your muscles strong. Trying to strengthen them in the future will be harder.
call the orthopedist or ask for a 2nd opinion.
The doc told you your muscles are not strong enough so head to the gym and start working those muscles. I am not sure what you expect the doc to tell you but he point blank told you that you need to strengthen the muscles. That is not something he can do for you .......You have to do the exercises yourself.
If you are only 18, I would suggest you build those muscles up if you plan on using them till you're 90.
you really need to see a different Doc. or orthopedic surgeon. I had the best and now I live to far away to go to him.
Yeah, I don't take no for an answer either... Get glucosamine + chondroiton supplements. generic pharmacy brands will do immediately but try to find a quality product asap... I believe has one of the strongest, purest products out there... Anyway, gluc has been proven to regenerate cartilege %26 significantly improve flexibility. Perhaps that site can also tell you how much is suggested for serious therapy, but you will need more than daily recommended doses as stated on a generic's bottle. I don't know if you're seeing a sports meds doc but... Your dr may not know anything else to do until you need surgery again or he/she may be bound by law not to tell you if he/she does know... medical drs are only legally allowed to examine, run tests %26 prescribe fda approved drugs basically... You should contact a sports meds chiropractor or phys rehab trainer for better therapy tips/exercises.All the best...

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