
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help! did my sister break her rist ???????

she was riding her bike and her bike fell down on her rist and now it hurts when she move it you think she broke it??
I know that your sister did not break her wrist because if it did break it would be all red ans swollen and she wouldn't be able to move it at all. It would be excrtiating pain all the time and would have to be treated right away. she probably just got a sprain...just needs ice and ace bandage.
Only way to tell for sure is x-rays.
yep same thing happend to me
Only one way to find out if she broke her WRIST [spelling] GO TO THE DOCTORS. DADADADADURHHH.
=] E.R. would probably be best though, But I suggest you get it taken care of quickly.
i ve had that happen and hurting and it wasnt broke. from the sound of it i dont think she did
I did that and I sprained my wrist. But that can be just as bad. Ice her wrist and go to a docter as soon as possible.
Ask a doctor. Wait, show a doctor because you can't tell without looking at it and we can't see it.
it may be sprained because it also could depend on the way she fell on it.a good way to figure it out is to go to the doctor and get a x-ray. but if it does start to feel better within a few hours. its a possible sprain or bruiced bone
if it is shaped weird and is starting to get swollen after ten to twenty minutes then there is a big chance that her wrist is broken
if it is just hurting when she moves it around then she might have sprained it
get your mother to check it out or neighbor or another adult
you could call your mom or dad to come check it
good luck
is it swelled or turning blue! I know it might hurt but gentley try to bend it and see if it is hard to bend if it is or swelled or turning blue go to the emergency room and have x rays done!
make a sling out of a shirt and make sure she dosn't move it. Go to the doctors and have it x-rayed.
You wont know until you go to the Dr or an urgent care center and get a x-ray. more that likely either she has a contusion or a fracture, just from she can not move her wrist. Please take her because the longer you or her wait the more effects will happened to her.Hope she gets better.For now keep ice on it, keep it elevated above heart level, give her some Advil or Motrin. Do this to keep her comfortable until she sees the doctor.
she might have broken it or just severely sprained it. the best thing to so is isolate it with an ace bandage an d ice it on the way to the emergency room for xrays. that is really the only way you will know if it is broken.
She should go to the doctor as if it's not even a full break as a fracture or something similar they can help her with that too.
The best thing to do would be to get her to a doctor as soon as possible. There are some symptoms that you can look for in order to determine the condition of your sister's wrist. If her wrist is swollen, continues to hurt, and can not be moved without unbearable pain, then yes, her wrist may be broken. However if the pain is bearable, and is easily soothed by icing it, then she might have a possible sprain. Either way, tell someone! Your mom, dad, neighbor, or more importantly your doctor. If you don't take care of it now, it may lead to various complications later on in her life.

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