
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Help...bump on my shin?

ok, i fell of my bicycle pretty hard a while ago and have bruises/cuts all over the place.but i'm a little worried about this bump on the inside of my shin
it's about 1.5 inches in diameter and rises like 1-1.5mmit does NOT hurt badly...just a slight discomfort from the impact-i don't really think it's hospitall-serious.
any tips? maybe ice...?
u mite just wanna get it x-rayed i dont think its anything serious though try to put ice on it or soak it in epsom salt if none of that works call your doctor and ask him or her for recomendations
I have a bump on my shin after an accident that is there 3-4 years later. I was told that I must have broken the bone (more like fractured) and that the bump was bone/calcium build-up over the area. I still have the bump now and it rises about the same as yours and doesn't hurt at all so I never really worried about it again. You may want to have it looked at if it is a similar situation, as I guess I could have avoided it by seeing a doctor at the time, but I don't want to bother with it now.
Seriously get it checked - I had a similar thing and it was a a fragment of bone chipped into the muscle and began to calcify...
uh. okay. i have no idea what to do... i just felt like i should answer this question because you were in my contacts. heehee.sorry. im no help.

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